Member Polls
This is where your voice matters. In instances where deemed appropriate, polls will be created to influence decisions of the eBoard.
This poll will be open and votes counted for a 7-day period. It was voted on in the membership meeting to create a poll for the majority of the members to decide on what we would like to do for our picnic. If you have any questions, please reach out to President Curnan.
There are several choices that you may pick from below.
1. A Union only Picnic location to be decided. This usually costs about $10, 000.
2. A Joint Picnic with the employees' club. We would donate $6,000 to the employees' club and everyone would get 3 tickets approximately. It would depend on fundraising by the employees' club. It could be more or less tickets.
3. No Picnic at all. We would save the money for other uses.
4. Have a small function such as a picnic. This would still allow us to be social but keep the cost down significantly.